Talking About [Computer Science]: Better Questions? Better Discussions!

In this episode I unpack Allsup and Baxter’s (2004) publication titled “Talking about music: Better questions? Better discussions!” which is a short article that discusses open, guided, and closed questions, as well as a framework for encouraging critical thinking through questions. Although this article is published in a music education journal, I discuss potential implications for computer science educators.

  • Welcome back to another episode of the

    CSK8 podcast my name is Jared O'Leary

    in this week's episode I'm going to

    unpack a very short article today's

    article is titled talking about music

    better questions better discussions and

    is written by Randall Everett Alsup and

    Marcia Baxter and yes I did say talking

    about music so I have mentioned in

    podcasts that I highly recommend reading

    outside of literature within the field

    itself and getting some inspiration from

    other areas so in this instance I'm

    going to actually talk about a music

    article but I'm going to relate it to

    computer science education and as always

    as a friendly reminder you can find the

    show notes that has a link to the

    article itself and if it's available you

    can click author and last names and it

    will take you to their google scholar

    profile where you can learn some more

    about what they publish on this is a

    very short article so there's actually

    not an abstract with it however I will

    provide a short one sentence summary

    this short article discusses open guided

    and closed questions as well as a

    framework for encouraging critical

    thinking through questions and they also

    suggest that there are three question

    types that can be asked open guided and

    closed questions while there is a

    tendency to start with closed questions

    that might have a single right or wrong

    answer the authors actually recommends

    starting broad and narrowing down to the

    more focused closed questions so you

    might be asking well what are the open

    guided and closed questions so let's

    kind of talk about that a little bit so

    they suggest the purpose of starting

    with an open question is to kind of

    gather information so kind of like

    assessing what somebody knows so you

    might be assessing understanding or

    intent or just a kind of game

    clarification on whatever it is that a

    kid is working on this was a quote from

    page 30 both answers to open questions

    tell us where our students are what they

    know and what they can recognize in

    quote so here are some examples of some

    questions that you might ask that can be

    related to computer science education

    that might be considered as more open

    questions so after a student runs the

    program you might ask what do you think

    or something like what does this program

    or project do

    how would you describe your project to a

    friend if you were to create a new

    project based on this one what would you

    do so those are some quick examples of

    open questions that you might ask when

    working with kids so on page 30 they

    suggest that guiding questions are used

    to quote elicit more targeted responses

    from students end quote and here's

    another quote from the same page while

    guided questions remains a

    student-centered activity the teacher

    assumes responsibility for guiding

    learning for helping students discover

    and uncover new information in quote so

    the purpose of a guiding question might

    be to get kids to kind of discover or

    uncover an understanding that they're

    working on so here are some potential

    examples that you might use that might

    be considered guided questions so if

    making the game you might ask what makes

    this game fun to play or if making an

    animation with code you might ask how

    did your code work together to animate a

    sprite or even asking questions about

    specific concepts so for example how

    might you include variables in your


    what about conditionals I might you

    include those in your project now close

    questions often only have one correct

    answer and here's a modified version of

    a quote to make it more relevant to CS

    education this is from page 30 hope

    ideally teachers ask these questions to

    draw attention to a particular computer

    science concept practice or feature in a

    program that guided questions have

    failed to uncover in quote so for

    example after asking a series of guide

    questions you could pose questions like

    nobody mentioned the use of conditionals

    in this project what are the conditional

    is used for or why do we need a variable

    in this particular function or something

    like how many functions are running in

    parallel to animate the sprite so those

    are all examples of some close questions

    and so you'll notice it just goes from

    as the name suggests more open-ended

    with the open questions to more closed

    in it in terms of right or wrong answers

    but still kind of getting kids to kind

    of think deeper about what it is that

    they're working on so here's another

    quote from page 30 and it's modified

    quote questions like Lee's do not halt

    discussions but they do help to fill in

    missing pieces and give students a more

    complete grasp of the project they are

    examining and quote and by the way

    because this is a music education

    article I'm slightly modifying these

    last two quotes just to make us of that


    mentioning computer science rather than

    a music project however the original

    intent is still there

    okay so the authors also discuss a

    framework for critical listening

    questions that I'd like to kind of

    reframe for computer science education

    so there are three categories that they

    mentioned analytical questions judicial

    questions and creative questions so

    analytical questions can be used to kind

    of encourage thinking through how a

    program is constructed so for example

    you might ask why does this program need

    this particular function how does a

    sprite or program change when we get to

    this line of code or how is this code

    similar to this other project analytical

    questions can be used to kind of situate

    vocabulary so for example if a guiding

    question leads kids to describe a

    function for scoring a point in a game

    but they don't describe the score as a

    variable this might present an

    opportunity to kind of discuss what a

    variable is and brainstorm how else

    variables might be used in projects now

    judicial questions on the other hand

    invite kids to kind of share their

    reactions or feelings so for example you

    might ask what was your favorite part of

    the story made in scratch what part of

    this program is interesting to you why

    did this program work judicial questions

    can include analytical questions as a

    follow-up to kind of support the

    rationale so it's not like you have to

    segment these questions into different

    categories and but like I'm owning an

    ask judicial questions today or only ask

    analytical questions now creative

    questions kind of often synthesized

    understandings and can include both

    analytical and judicial thinking so an

    example of a creative question might be

    something like what would you do

    differently if you were to create a

    similar project what code would you keep

    and what would you change or now that

    you've completed this project what can

    we do with what you learned so that's

    kind of a summary of some of the main

    points that are in this particular

    article again translating it for

    computer science education now I want to

    provide some of my own tips or

    suggestions that are related to

    questioning techniques and for computer

    science I'd like to add that open and

    guiding questions can also be used to

    kind of encourage thinking through

    project extensions or add-ons that

    extend a project's functionality beyond

    what it can already do as well as to

    kind of assess understanding so here are

    some examples of questions that are kind

    of in relative order from open to guided

    questions starting from open

    what questions do you have about coding

    what would you change or add in your

    project if you were to give it as a gift

    for someone how could you use this

    project for another class wherever you

    find a project like this outside of

    school houses projects similar or

    different from previous projects

    what's something you want to do in your

    project but don't know how to do right

    now what are the projects could you

    create that would use similar coding


    what could you to make this game a

    multiplayer game instead of a

    single-player game

    what could you add or change to this

    code and what do you think would happen

    what happens if we change the order of

    these blocks or lines of code and Alice

    might use variables in your project so

    these are all kind of examples of more

    of the open or guided questions I'm sure

    you can come up with some of your own

    close questions as well that would help

    out kids now as another general tip one

    of the things that I really like to do

    I've mentioned in either podcast that

    has released or will release soon is

    that I'd like to engage in the ask -

    before asking me and one of the reasons

    why is because I didn't want kids to be

    sitting there waiting while I was

    working with somebody sometimes it was

    for several minutes I'd be working with

    a kid or almost for an entire class if

    we're unpacking something that's very

    difficult and I didn't want kids to sit

    there just kind of waiting for an answer

    and not knowing what to do

    and getting stuck so I always encouraged

    him to ask two kids before the two of

    their peers before they asked me any

    kind of question and if I was working

    with somebody at the time then they had

    to kind of keep repeating the process of

    asking - before they could get to me and

    one of the ways that I love to respond

    is if somebody asks a question that I

    knew somebody else knew how to answer so

    I'd be like oh yeah okay so you want to

    learn how to do some player controls

    well Susie over here is an expert on

    player controls so how about you go ask

    her how to do that so that's something I

    highly recommend if you're having some

    difficulty getting to everybody and if

    you listen to the interview with Bob

    Irving he actually talks about like a I

    need help list where people kind of put

    up on the board what they need help with

    and then you can also put up on the

    board people who are willing to help

    with specific areas or kind of like list

    off their expertise so that can kind of

    help with offloading it so that way if

    kids aren't relying on you to 100%

    answer all of their questions but they

    can actually learn from each other which

    is just in general a great process and

    one more quick tip on that note is you

    can actually get kids to kind of break

    out of their habit of asking their

    friends for help by saying do you know

    anyone else in the class who is or has

    worked on some things

    and might be able to help you so that

    kind of encourages them to think through

    oh who might be an expert on this thing

    that might be able to help out with

    whatever question they have another

    thing that I like to do is whenever a

    kid asks a question that I knew was in a

    resources I kind of asked are there any

    tutorials or comments or guides that can

    help answer your question so rather than

    getting kids to just rely on asking

    peers or myself actually their first

    step in that process was to kind of go

    through the built-in help or to read the

    comments or reread through the

    directions in something so if somebody

    did get to me and I knew there is an

    answer to that I'd kind of point them

    towards the resource rather than answer

    the question directly

    so when reading through this article I

    had a couple of lingering questions so

    one of them is what other types of

    questions might we ask to encourage

    deeper understanding or creativity in

    computer science

    the authors presented some really good

    categories of questions to think through

    in terms of open guided closed and

    analytical judicial and creative however

    what other types of questions might we

    ask that are more pertinent to computer

    science this is again this article is

    written for music education and music

    educators what I think is super

    applicable for us and a final lingering

    question that I had is how might we

    encourage kids to use each of these

    question types to kind of guide their

    own learning so rather than in adult in

    the room asking the questions to peers

    maybe we could have peers asking these

    types of questions to each other maybe

    at the end of class when they're sharing

    understandings what they worked on or

    maybe even just like through a nip

    sitive self-reflective practice where

    you're kind of thinking through okay I

    know I need to be able to do XYZ but I

    haven't figured this out yet so what

    kind of questions can I ask myself to

    maybe figure out an answer to this and

    just kind of narrow down a process or

    finding a solution I hope you found this

    episode useful I know it was a very

    quick one because this particular

    publication was only a few pages long

    however if you want to learn more I've

    got a short video that kind of talks

    about this approach that I created for

    boot up and you can find that in the

    show notes or you can find the resources

    in the free lesson plans that I create

    that are available at boot up PD org but

    again links to that in the show notes if

    interested in learning more about using

    questioning techniques in computer

    science education

    now the next unpacking scholarship

    episode is

    also going to talk about questions and

    it's actually a study on questions used

    in a makerspace setting and then the

    following two unpacking scholarship

    episodes after that kind of dive a

    little bit deeper into maker spaces in

    that kind of culture and then actually

    provides a critique of it that I think

    is very relevant to see as educators

    because we've mentioned several times in

    this podcast using like rhizomatic

    learning and things like that and other

    approaches that are very common at maker

    spaces so I like to spend a couple more

    episodes talking about maker spaces

    before I move on to some other topics to

    unpack in these type of episodes I hope

    you enjoyed this podcast I hope you

    found it useful I did list some of these

    questions in the show notes and you can

    click on the link in the description or

    just visit jared O'Leary com to find

    these show notes in the sea sk8 podcast

    page thank you so much for listening to

    this episode I hope you're all having a

    wonderful week and next week we'll be in

    it another interview and then two weeks

    from now it'll be another unpacking

    scholarship episode


Allsup, R. E., & Baxter, M. (2004). Talking about music: Better questions? Better discussions! Music Educators Journal, 91(2), 29.

My One Sentence Summary

This short article discusses open, guided, and closed questions, as well as a framework for encouraging critical thinking through questions.

Some Of My Lingering Questions/Thoughts

  • What other types of questions might we ask to encourage deeper understanding or creativity in computer science?

  • How might we encourage kids to use each of these question types to guide their own learning?

Resources/Links Relevant to This Episode

  • Other podcast episodes that were mentioned or are relevant to this episode

  • Example questions:

    • Open

      • After a student runs the program, ask what do you think?

      • What does this program or project do?

      • How would you describe your project to a friend?

      • If you were to create a new project based on this one, what would you do?

    • Guided

      • If making a game, you might ask what makes this game fun to play?

      • If making an animation with code, you might ask how did your code work together to animate a sprite?

      • Or even asking questions about specific concepts

        • How might you include variables in your projects? What about conditionals?

    • Closed

      • Nobody mentioned the use of conditionals in this project, what are the conditionals used for?

      • Why did we need a variable in this particular function?

      • How many functions are running in parallel to animate this sprite?

    • Analytical

      • Nobody mentioned the use of conditionals in this project, what are the conditionals used for?

      • Why did we need a variable in this particular function?

      • How many functions are running in parallel to animate this sprite?

    • Judicial

      • What was your favorite part of the story made in Scratch?

      • What part of this program is interesting to you?

      • Why did this program work?

    • Creative

      • What would you do differently if you were to create a similar project?

        • What code would you keep and what would you change?

      • Now that you've completed this project, what can we do with what you learned?

    • More example questions that are in rough order from open questions to guiding questions:

      • What questions do you have about coding?

      • What would you change or add in your project if you were to give it as a gift for someone?

      • How could you use this project for another class?

      • Where would you find a project like this outside of school?

      • How is this project similar or different from previous projects?

      • What's something you want to do in your project, but don't know how to do right now?

      • What other projects could you create that would use similar coding concepts?

      • What could you do to make this game a multiplayer game instead of single player?

      • What could you add or change to this code and what do you think would happen?

      • What happens if we change the order of these blocks or lines of code?

      • How else might you use variables in your project?

  • A short article I wrote on assessment

  • Find other CS educators and resources by using the #CSK8 hashtag on Twitter

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